Package-level declarations


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Marks declarations that are still experimental in Parameterize, which means that the design of the corresponding declarations has open issues which may (or may not) lead to their changes in the future. Roughly speaking, there is a chance that those declarations will be deprecated in the near future or the semantics of their behavior may change in some way that may break some code.

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Configuration options for parameterize.

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Used to prevent parameterize functions from being used in the wrong scope.

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Thrown to indicate that parameterize has completed with failures.

actual class ParameterizeFailedError : MultipleFailuresError
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A failure thrown from a parameterize iteration, and the arguments that caused it.

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@JvmName(name = "parameterLazyIterable")
inline fun <T> ParameterizeScope.parameter(crossinline lazyArguments: LazyParameterScope.() -> Iterable<T>): ParameterizeScope.Parameter<T>
@JvmName(name = "parameterLazySequence")
inline fun <T> ParameterizeScope.parameter(crossinline lazyArguments: LazyParameterScope.() -> Sequence<T>): ParameterizeScope.Parameter<T>

Declares a parameter with the given lazyArguments. The arguments are only computed the first time the parameter is used, and not at all if used.

fun <T> ParameterizeScope.parameter(arguments: Iterable<T>): ParameterizeScope.Parameter<T>
fun <T> ParameterizeScope.parameter(arguments: Sequence<T>): ParameterizeScope.Parameter<T>

Declare a parameter with the given arguments.

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inline fun parameterize(configuration: ParameterizeConfiguration = ParameterizeConfiguration.default, block: ParameterizeScope.() -> Unit)

Executes the block for each combination of arguments, as declared with the parameter functions:

inline fun parameterize(configuration: ParameterizeConfiguration = ParameterizeConfiguration.default, noinline decorator: suspend DecoratorScope.(iteration: suspend DecoratorScope.() -> Unit) -> Unit = configuration.decorator, noinline onFailure: OnFailureScope.(failure: Throwable) -> Unit = configuration.onFailure, noinline onComplete: OnCompleteScope.() -> Unit = configuration.onComplete, block: ParameterizeScope.() -> Unit)

Calls parameterize with a copy of the configuration that has options overridden.

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fun <T> ParameterizeScope.parameterOf(vararg arguments: T): ParameterizeScope.Parameter<T>

Declare a parameter with the given arguments.